Ashes of the Domain

Development of AotD (29.08.2024)
Roadmap for AotD
Hi everyone , welcome to dev diary. Today we are going to speak overhaul about entire AoTD development including all modules.
Grave of Collosus Status
I know this is the most anticipated module from all I have announced, delay of release to march next year. Unfortunatley due to unforseen issues I sadly need to say, that Grave of Colossus development will be fully halted. Before you are going to panic, no this does not mean module won't be released ever. It's more about giving not only myself, but also all people helping me with development of this module a breathing ground.
I know this is a lot of months that a lot of work could be done, yes. But also there are other things requiring attention, that already were released. Moreover in this module I am more than ever dependent on other people work, so this is why I decied to basically move Grave of Colossus into basically : We release when we are ready. In meantime, I ain't wasting my time and work on other things.
Question of Patreon
I know i got section in my page that is basically footer encouraging you to go towards Patreon, I rarely ask for help from community, especially financial help, as I come from conclusion: it should be earned. Basically I wanna ask you all to visit my Patreon here, I know as i said you will see this on footer, but this time it is different. It becomes more and more issue for me in terms of keeping steady pace for development, as all things that are nice like new art and music cost a lot of money, especially new art.
I am gonna be honest, in day i was writing this devlog, I paid one of spriters for 4 sprites for 4 items. I paid for this commission around 140 dollars, which is currently like 85% of monthly patreon income. You can clearly see to what I am getting here. I simply wanna ask you for scrolling down to bottom of page, going on patreon, and considering supporting me.
Money that I got from patreon, helps me tremendously with improving quality of my mods.Some would say that such things are not necessary, but for me personally, I wanna give you all the best what can be, not just in terms of mechanic but also music sprites and writing.It is my personal drive to push quality of my mod up and up as much as it is possible. If you are here, still, I already thank you, for that you decided to read that and listen to what I wanna say. Lets move on to development stuff
Cryosleeper Options 3.0
Yup, again going back to roots. Cryosleeper module was my first ever real try to give shot towards modding in Starsector, and all started from simple cryosleeper rework.
Awakening won't be so easy anymore
Instead of waiting 180 days once you start awakening process it will start event chain of awakening people from cryosleep, you can treat it as sort of colony "crisis", as it will work in terms of mechanic exactly same. You will advance through stages and at the end: reach past size 6.
Past meats future
Now awakening will cause some things to happen, like for example people from cryosleep demanding explanation of situation, some old scientist revealing some ancient secrets etc etc. Basically awakening won't be just increase size of my colony anymore.
Good old bugs
I know there are quite nasty bugs with Cryosleeper present, and this is reason for 3.0 version, where i ll work on better solution in terms of codding.
Virtue of Society 2.0
Virtue of society was a side kick of module for me, there was time I felt very burned out on just working on Vaults of Knowledge, and also wanted to have events brining life to colonies. I feel that system i have established did not survived test of time for me in terms of mechanic.
Removal of repeatable events
I was hoping to create much more events, but Vaults of Knowledge, UAF and Grave of Colossus took too much time.Because of it we have only 2 repeatable events, which for me its just ... boring.
Events telling story
From now on i ll focus on VOS being more of telling small stories, excavation sites, witnessing natural monuments etc etc. I wanna from now on shift approach from Stellaris type of events into more Frostpunk type of events. One time events with multiple stages.
Porting UI Into Intel Plugin
For easier access entire event UI will be ported to intel plugin.
Vaults of Knowledge : Civilian Industrial Complex
This patch treat more as re-balancing patch that will introduce things from Cult of Science dev diary, changes to industries, and changes to balance.
Item production
In next patch item production will be moved into ship production UI, which from now on will serve as industry UI. I wanted to have everything unified in one UI for cohesion and ease of access. Moreover it will support all colony items that have effect, added by other mod

Truly we rise from Ashes of the domain
Item Blueprints
To produce items researching Stella Manufactorium wont be requierement anymore, instead a true requierement will be meeting resource criteria for items, and discoverage of item's blueprint. Item blueprint will be available to have in 2 ways:
A: Research Domain Blueprint Standardization
Find Blueprint in Pre Collapse Facility:(It will have 60% chance to spawn)
Slight UI Improvements
You can see here, UI has been changed for better here you have old vs new comparison.


Slight rework of Heavy industry and Light Industry chain
Military Heavy industry will be deleted and from now on there will be two paths to choose Shipyard route (default) or Civilian route, where this one will focus on machinery supplies and new resource : Domain-Grade Machinery. This is also where Stella Manufactorium will be moved on, asa this will be main source of Domain Grade Machinery, and many more resources.
Advance components will be renamed to Electronic components and their production will be moved from Shipyards towards Light industry. Moreover, one more special item will be added for Light indusry chain: focusing on boosting production of Electronic components.
Ashes of The Domain : Question of Loyalty?
Treat this section more as me doodling with idea, than announcing new module.It is showcase to potential new module, as idea has been sparked recently. I promised to people for new version of VOK including support for research when commissioned.
Being honest, no matter how I wanted to do this, I have not liked that idea, and suddenly, I got idea for Commission mechanic rework. Main issue I always had with commissions, was that they pay you for... existing. This module would change things up, requiring you to actually do stuff for faction to stay with them, moreover not only staying but also going up hierarchy.
With each stage you would get more benefits from faction like allowing you to colonize worlds,some new connections, ,more money support, special perks etc etc. Key here is : yes you will have meter going down when not doing stuff for faction, but it wont be something needing IMMEDIATE intervention. As long as you do stuff here and there, you will be fine.
If enough people will want to see this module coming up: then ill probably start working on it, and in that module support for researching under faction banner will be placed.
As always thank you all and stay safe!
Support me and the developent of my mod!
As you know, creating and maintaining mods takes a lot of effort, and most importantly time. While I will continue to work on my mods for the Starsector community, I do heavily appriciate those who are willing to help me in this effort.
Wish to support me financially? you can do so on my Patreon! This will allow me to commission additional developers and artists for their work, thereby improving the overall quality of the mods I offer.
Wish to support me actively? come over to my Twitch where I play games, mainly Starsector, and stream the development of AoTD, providing you a glimpse of whats upcoming.
Wish to support me some other way? feel free to join our community, where you can share new ideas, suggestions, report bugs, and test new versions of AoTD.