Ashes of the Domain

"From the Ashes, We will Rebuild"
Dev Log

Dreams of Past

Dreams of Past (27.01.2025)

Greetings everyone, welcome to first Dev diary in year 2025! Today we will dive into changes being introduced in new cryosleeper update

Change of name

Smallest change here. I decided to rename module to somewhat fit with other modules. So from next update Cryosleeper Options will be named : Dreams of Past

Complete overhaul of awakening event

From now on awakening will be treated as Major event, during which multiple things can occur. Instead of just getting market towards size 7 or 8, you will get much more from all of it!

Another change that will be easly spotable is that, awakening is now not flat 180 days, but rather depends on your current rate, in which you can awake people. In other terms, if you start awakening on size 6, it will complete much faster than on size 3.

Awakening Procedure event

Awakening Procedure event

Domain Majority

Once your colony grows +1 in size, due to awakening, then a new market condition will be added : Domain Majority. Representing, that this colony is now populated by people, who never witnessed the Collapse.

Domain Majority - market condition

Domain Majority - market condition

Random events during awakening

During awakening procedure, a multiple type of events can occur, as you awake more and more people. Sometimes you will find people, who know valuable locations, items that will help you expand, and even very competent officers and admins with unique skill.





Sprite overhaul of Ark

As always thanks to your great support on Patreon, I am able again to commission Snazzy for another great art, recently a Bifrost Gate recived new look, now it is time for the Ark. Here it is just sketch, but I think that can tell something already.



That it is for today, have a nice day ^^

Support me and the developent of my mod!

As you know, creating and maintaining mods takes a lot of effort, and most importantly time. While I will continue to work on my mods for the Starsector community, I do heavily appriciate those who are willing to help me in this effort.


About Me

Welcome Starfarer,

My name is Kaysaar. I am a Starsector modder and the main developer of Ashes of The Domain. Always coming up with crazy ideas to pursue my own goals and having fun!


Early Development

  • Ciruno
  • uhbyr1
  • RaiDz

Web Developer

  • ELIF_


  • CY/Milkydromeda
  • Dwarven_Seaman
  • Minideth
  • SnazzyPantsMcGee

Programming and Feedback

  • John Shm0
  • Lukas04
  • Nia Tahl
  • PigeonPun
  • USC discord


  • Myo
  • Myriad

Sound Design

  • Ixo

General Assistance

  • AoTD Discord
  • Ymfah
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