Ashes of the Domain

Titans of Industry : Special Projects (13.07.2024)
Titans of Industry: Special projects.
Thank you all my wonderful enjoyers of ashes, as your support is helping me a lot!
Time to dive into another part of 2.2 patch for Vaults of Knowledge, this time we will talk about Special Projects.
Special Projects
As you saw in previous dev diary, there has been added 4th category, beside ships, weapons and fighters.That category was special projects.
Special projects, are usually rare or massive ships which construction is much more complicated,to be simply manufactured in great quantities.Not to mention, that producing even one of such vessel, which is designated as special project can cost you enormous amount of resources.Some of them can be done multiple times, some are just one time thing only.

Special project UI
How to unlock them?
Depending on which vessel we are talking about, each one can have different trigger, sometimes it can be obtaining blueprint of such vessel, sometimes completing mission or sometimes defeating certain fleet for project to appear.
Production Stages
As you saw previously on UI, ship have something called : Production stages.Those are meant to represent building specific parts of ship, each one's cost can be different so at some stage special project can consume much more resources, than it was!
To complete special project, you must complete all Production stages. In case of not having enough resources, you can always pause project, therefore retaining progress.
Ui shenanigans
To give feeling of project to feel special (beside calling them special), I put a lof of effort towards UI, for example with project progressing, progression is represented with ship being highlighted, depending on total progress.

I cast UI suffering
Mod compatibility
This mechanic was done in such way, that even someone, who does not know how to code can implement their own special projects, as long as you know id of ship you wanna have! Moreover, for other mod authors, adding such compatibility is very easy (about 10 minutes of work if you dont have custom unlocking mechanics),and the best part is, that all of it is soft dependency, so mod won't require Vaults of Knowledge to run!
Thank you for your continued support and interest in my mods. Stay tuned for more updates!. I know i said in previous dev diary, that this one will also talk about hypershunt changes and bonuses towards production, but I think this will be better for next and last dev diary before 2.2 patch!
Support me and the developent of my mod!
As you know, creating and maintaining mods takes a lot of effort, and most importantly time. While I will continue to work on my mods for the Starsector community, I do heavily appriciate those who are willing to help me in this effort.
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