Ashes of the Domain

Megastructures, resorts and other bizarre adventures (03.10.2024)
Megastructures, resorts and other bizarre dev adventures (03.10.2024)
Hey hey people, Kaysaar here. First things first, Sseth, thank you for evaporating my brain cells with EDF 6. Now we can and discuss about bizarre dev adventures starting from new mechanic!
Across entire Persean Sector, there will be few megastructures scattered across sector, either in beginning stages with enough resources to finish them, or that will be in need of repair.
Megastructure management
There will be new tab available in UI called : Megastructures. From there you will manage all megastructures under your control, if its either repairing or tuning megastructure to suit current needs of your empire!

Changes towards Hypershunt
Since implementation of Global Production mechanic, where what matters is not which world produces the most, but rather your total output, I decided to use this mechanic for repair and maintenance of hypershunt, instead of usual supply/demand thingy
Moreover from now on, you wont be required to colonize hypershunt but instead claim it on your own. Once done it will appear on megastructures tab
About bonuses well... it's a secret : P. Please stand still until we dispatch COMSEC to your location!
Other megastructures
For now 2 more are additionally planned to be added, what they will do ? As game goes, it's COMSEC secret... for now.
Industry sprite replacement
With estimates made, if all goes well all industry sprites should be replaced before March 2025, might be sooner, might be later , for now this is sort of soft "deadline" we are giving ourselfs!
So far only 3 sprites have been replaced, and Resort Center is the one who joined recently to this small family of replaced industry sprites

Resort Center
Bizarre adventures?
During month after release of prev dev diary my entire codding journey was one hell of Jojo Bizzare Adventure episode, in terms of : wtf just happened
Most of month has been spent on integrating both research UI and custom production UI into vanilla interface.
I find this month to be very.... enlightening, as all this work have opened gates that were previously closed in terms of development, but what gates were opened well... that is thing for another dev diary !
Have a nice day everyone
The Ashes of The domain 3 : Begins now
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