Dreams of Past
Dreams of Past is the third sub-module of AoTD and perhaps the smallest module.
Dreams of Past, also known as "The Sleeper", is dedicated to improving the Cryosleeper system of Starsector.
It does this by reworking the mechanics of the Cryosleeper, making them require more effort to maintain, whilst also making them more rewarding.
Current Version: v3.0.0 for 0.97a
Incompatible with previous versions
Dreams of Past
Movable Cryosleeper
This part of AoTD, changes rework mechanics of cryosleeper. From now on, after defeating Guardian, you will have the decision to repair the cryosleeper, after which, you will be able to order relocation of this massive vessel to another star system.

Off the way it goes
Growing colony past size 6 and more
Instead of size boost, now cryosleeper introduces way to reach colony sizes past size 6! To do it you need to built Cryorevival Facility and start awakening process. Do note, that such process once started, can't be stopped. On top of that, during awakening process, you can get some unique rewards!

Awakening Event
Past meets present
Those people, who were put into cryosleep, still remember golden days of the Domain. Now they woke up to reality, where this age is long gone. Now it is up to you, to lead this new community.

Domain Majority

Man out of time
The Ark
Ark is one of ancient vessels of the Domain, used to kickstart development of entire sector, by bringing not only necessary equipment, but also huge amount of population. One of such vessels resides, somewhere in the Persean Sector, lost to time. Once you take control of it, you will be able to grow one colony towards size 8!

The ark
Latest Release:
- -Renamed from Cryosleeper Options to Dreams of Past
- -Overhauled entire awakening system, making it now like major event, similar to Colony crisis or Hyperspace Topography
- -Added two new skills related towards admins and administrators, that can be get from awakening event.
- -Replaced sprite of Ark (Thanks Snazzy)
- -Removed setting for sizes increase ( so now max cap is to size 8)
- -Added new condition : Domain Majority
- -Fixed issue with Ark not working properly with Cryorevival Facility
v2.0.2 for 0.97a
Compatible versions: 2.0.0-2.0.1
- -Fixed problem with Cryorevival Facility not showing up
- -Added missing texts to cryosleeper interactions
v2.0.1 for 0.97a
Compatible versions: 2.0.0
- -Fixed crash with Reawakening Facility
v2.0.0 for 0.97a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -Reworked fully behaviour of Cryosleeper, behaving now more like Gatehauler.
- -Added new vessel: Ark.
- -From now on Cryosleeper can make colony into size 7, Ark into size 8.
- -Added configuration settings if Lunalib is enabled to customize a few things.
- -Removed all scripts that were tempering with market to showcase remotely market growth.
- -Fix: Finally Cryosleeper can be added to stations.
v1.2.0 for 0.96a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -Fix: Finally Cryosleeper can be added to stations.
v1.1.3 for 0.96a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -Fix: Now when more vanilla friendly mod is enabled 2 charges are applied correctly.
v1.1.2 for 0.96a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -New: New option added to settings.json: "MORE_CHARGES_MODE":false -> basically it limits charges from cryosleeper from 4 to 2, don't recommend changing this parameter during campaign, it will be by default false so normally it will be only 2 charges instead of 4.
- -Fix: Now Orbiting Cryosleepers should not appear for contract to investigate them.
v1.1.1 for 0.96a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -Fix: Finally fixed all ColonyUI shenanigans.
v1.1.0 for 0.96a
Incompatible with previous versions
- -Fix: Fixed eternal bug with not being able to see colony growth past size 6 remotely thanks to Lukas04 script that I have reverse-engineered.